The Novice Foodie

Just eating real foods, lifting heavy things and learning about it along the way

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REBLOG: “Just give me some truth”

There are hundreds of niche health and fitness blogs, websites, and books out there spouting nutritional and exercise advice; some with the factual basis to back their claims but without the popularity to reach a wider audience, and many others with little to no credentials or with an ulterior motive of making money. At the same time, established mainstream publications post content from trusted sources like doctors but without solid backing of their claims.

So for someone looking for guidance on how or what or when to eat, it can be excessively frustrating to find both a reliable source and reliable information. There are a lot of myths that have been repeated so many times that they have fooled even the most careful consumer (i.e. the egg debate). So when I see a myth-busting article based off of findings from a scientific study like this come along in the New York Times, I as both a health-conscious person and a journalist get excited. Finally making its way into the mainstream is something with real research behind its dietary claims, even and most especially ones that have been generally regarded as good advice (such as the benefits of eating breakfast.)

But then you run into this problem: restricted information access. This could be in the form of paywalls, omissions or study abstracts available to but not written for the everyday reader and consumer. In this case, The New England Journal of Medicine and the specific content relevant to readers of this article is only available to subscribers. Plenty of publications don’t give their content away for free online, and understandably so, but the point is that the information remains available only to that target audience. So scientists, doctors and scholars may get that information, but the average person who needs it (arguably more so than those already invested in the material) does not.

It’s a personal interest of mine to actively seek out nutritional information from those small, under-the-radar publications, but not everyone has the time, energy or interest to do so. Many of those publications/organizations/websites have great information, but are either largely unknown (I am still discovering new ones daily) or exclude segments of the population because they don’t identify with weightlifters or vegans (to name a few). Convenience will win every time when it comes to food. That’s why I believe it’s so important to make that elusive, factual information convenient for the everyday consumer. In time, I think these tidbits of truth will make their way into the mainstream media.  But for now, I think the most important thing a person can do is be a critical reader and see where your information is coming from. Evaluate the source of the material and check who is paying for the study before you make any drastic conclusions.

And, take everything in stride. Only you will know what works for you. Everyone has different dietary needs based on medical conditions, daily activities, allergies, religion, moral beliefs and simple likes and dislikes. I’ve quoted him before and I’ll quote him again because so much of what The Institute for the Psychology of Eating is about aligns with what I believe in:

“There’s no “one size fits all” in the diet business…. every nutritional system or expert has at least one nugget of wisdom to offer us. In other words, what’s good for the Okinawans, the French, the Mediterraneans, the Hunzas, the Paleolithics, or the bikini-clad inhabitants of South Beach isn’t necessarily what’s good for us. Just take the nugget of truth that works for you, and that works for the people you love and serve.” – Marc David

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REBLOG: The Imaginary Perfect Diet via Competitor magazine

Sometimes you read something and you just say YES.

“While science has come up with all kinds of correlations between particular dietary patterns and risk levels for particular diseases, it has not even come close to definitively defining the perfect diet.”

This is a great read highlighting precisely what I’ve come to find about nutrition and diets–that there’s more than one right way, but pretty much all of them involve real food.

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REBLOG: Defining healthy eating

Before I begin, I want to say that I’m not advocating that Paleo is the correct diet for everyone. I totally agree that there’s not one “right” way to eat. In fact, my goal really isn’t to be perfectly Paleo. It’s ultimately to eat healthier– to eat clean. My goal is to cut out processed foods, avoid grains, and eat more protein, fruits and vegetables, which sounds a whole lot like the Paleo diet. Following “rules” personally helps me stay on track. So yeah, I’ll have some lemonade with my green tea and there’s corn in my bag of mixed veggies. But the point is I’m drinking green tea lemonade instead of diet soda or a mocha, and I’m eating vegetables. Those are better choices than I might have made otherwise.

Earlier this week, U.S. News and World Report released their rankings of the best and worst diets for the year. (Paleo being one of the worst.) This has spurred many blogs and news sites to offer their own takes on which diets work and which don’t. What I like most is U.S. News’s further breakdown of diets by goal and special needs, (food sensitivities, specific medical conditions) because the best diet for a person depends on a lot of  factors. But when the “best weight-loss diets” includes things like Slim-Fast, you have to question how much the nutritional value and sustainability of the diet was taken into account.

My basic response to this overall discussion point is summed up by the following sources better than I do believe I ever could:

1. “One of the most important success-promoting factors in a diet is a belief in the diet and a belief in the belief system behind the diet.” – Psychology of Eating (Marc David)

I think there’s this attitude in the wellness/health industry that what works for one person is the ONLY way, and everyone else is just dumb for thinking otherwise. This organization addresses that everyone has different needs, and that diets can and should be specified. Diets are much bigger than a monthly slim-down effort, and tied to social interactions and our own willpower and drive. While I am searching for the pieces of a one-size-fits all diet, we may all be better off with one tailored to our own tastes.

2. This post: this too:

If there is a general truth for nutrition, I think that eating real food would have to be it (“real food” being defined above). I can’t think of anyone who’s gonna argue that Kale is bad for you (except maybe some people’s taste buds.) This post essentially summarizes everything I have come to believe about nutrition. Adapting these “rules” and being balanced about it seems to be a universally sound way of eating and living.

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Adventures in Paleo

About a month ago, I completed the 9-week Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. What is Paleo, you ask? It is most simply this: eat real food. More specifically, I think it is most concisely explained in this pyramid.paleo food pyramid

For me, the most challenging thing about going Paleo was that it banned pretty much everything that is convenient. And I’m not just talking about takeout or frozen dinners– something as simple as bread for my egg and sausage breakfast sandwich I typically ate on the way to work every morning. And if I ate out, things got pretty complicated, deciphering menus and finding substitutions. But overall, I simply felt better. I did notice at first that I had a little less energy when I went to workout, likely due to my body adjusting to the new diet. By the end of the challenge, it was no longer an issue.

9 weeks later,  I went back to eating normally and fulfilled all my cravings. And I can honestly say it wasn’t worth it. I thought I could use what I’d learned and just be a little more liberal with my food choices– not worrying about the specifics, using ketchup or Italian dressing once in awhile, eating green beans and other things that one would consider healthy but don’t meet the Paleo criteria. But the truth was I overindulged, and I definitely felt the effects of that.

Through this challenge, I discovered I need rules and structure to be able to stick to a diet. But I also need to let myself cheat once in awhile, or I’ll binge later. For the new year, I’m resolving to get back to the primal life. As the saying goes, my goal is to be 100% paleo, 80% of the time.

Other things I learned from going Paleo:

1. To eat healthy, you MUST cook.

I spent tons of time online scouring for Paleo recipes. I highly recommend Pinterest as a source. In fact, all of the recipes I’ve tried can be found on my board “pinned there, done that” with ratings. It also doubles as my own virtual recipe book. #awesome. (See more Paleo recipes on my “Paleo things” board)

2. You also should plan your meals.

Get that convenience factor back by spending Sunday night preparing meals for the week. When you buy fruit at the grocery store, wash it and divide it into little Ziploc baggies as soon as you get home. It will make it that much easier to throw in the lunch bag.

3. There is a healthier substitute for just about everything you crave.

Mashed potatoes? Try mashed cauliflower. Pasta? try spaghetti squash. French Fries? Try cut up zucchini or turnips “breaded”  with almond meal. spaghetti squash

4. Less is more, always.

I’ve counted calories, I’ve detoxed, I’ve done Weight Watchers, I’ve lived with two vegetarian roommates and one gluten-intolerant roommate. I’d like to think I’ve been exposed to a few diets. And the one thing I’ve noticed that they ALL have in common– real food is always the best choice. If you’re gonna eat butter, eat butter, not margarine or some other imitation product made in a lab. The less ingredients, the better. And if there’s no ingredient list, that’s the best (i.e, fruits and vegetables.) And it’s the idea behind almost every diet plan out there. (Fruits and vegetables are zero points on WW, for example.) It just makes sense.

5. Lastly, and most importantly, bacon makes everything better. That is all.

Here’s some more of my creations and experiments. I began making up my own recipes and having a lot of fun making cooking a hobby!

And some favorite Paleo products for my sweet tooth

2012-10-19 20.08.24

2012-11-05 18.06.04 2012-10-05 08.59.12

Couldn’t be happier to get back on track in the new year!

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REBLOG: Artificial Intelligence

…If you eat a Nutri-Grain strawberry cereal bar in the United States, it will contain Red 40, Yellow 6 and Blue 1. But that same bar in the UK contains only the natural colorings beetroot red, annatto and paprika extract.

This is the third piece I’ve read today in my daily perusal that has brought up the dangers of artificial ingredients in foods. It is a pretty good round-up of some reasons why artificial flavorings are bad.

We hear a lot about how “X ingredient is derived from coal tar,” or how “red bugs are in our Frappuccinos,” and we read them and publish them for the shock factor. That part sticks with you. But the next time I’m reading a food label at the grocery store, I don’t usually remember what said scary ingredient’s alias name is. Naturally, I know to avoid ingredients I can’t pronounce. And the less the better. But Red 40, soy lecithin, potassium phosphate, and monocalcium phosphate are all unfamiliar words. But what are they really, and are they truly necessary to avoid?  A dictionary-like resource that is more credible than Google but more accessible than a textbook would be helpful. One that offers details like how partially hydrogenated oils are code for trans fats.  And maybe that exists, but I don’t think many people know about it, utilize it, or can find it in a single, comprehensive place.

Which brings me back to the quote from the first article–why have other countries figured out how to make comparable products without all the fake stuff and we haven’t? Just the other day I went to a World Market store and noticed a bunch of familiar-looking candies with slightly different packaging and wondered if their ingredients were slightly different, too, as the aforementioned blog post seems to suggest. If I learned anything from dabbling with the Paleo diet, it’s that there is an indefinitely healthier substitute for just about anything. (more on that later). I think the most important thing we can do is educate ourselves about these artificial ingredients and what dangers they posses, and realize that there are other options that can be used to create comparable end products anyways. Maybe you’ll have to dish out a little extra cash, but really, what’s more important than your health?

cost of health

You’ll probably end up spending more on pills and medical bills that if you had just eaten healthier in the first place!

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Train your taste buds

Have you ever heard someone say that something you are eating is too rich or too sweet while you took no notice? Everyone’s preferences and sensitivities to taste are different, but because richness and sweetness typically derive from high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, it could mean that some of us are more likely to overindulge based on the way our taste buds have adapted.

The concept of training our taste buds to recognize when foods are too sugary or too salty is intriguing. This post from David Katz MD,the creator of NuVal nutrition scoring system, discusses how high amounts of sodium and sugar found in commercial products like pasta sauce and breakfast cereals have skyrocketed our tolerance levels. By consuming the same products with less added sodium and sugar, he argues, over time we might find that those foods we once enjoyed are now too sweet or too salty.

“Because if your taste buds have acclimated to high levels of [sugar and sodium], you will simply prefer more highly processed foods, and reject the simple, unadulterated flavors of simple foods close to nature. You will NOT eat “food, not too much, mostly plants,” because you won’t like doing that! And you, and perhaps your family, will miss out on the enormous health benefits associated with doing so.”

I side to agree with this idea and hope that it could really work. If we no longer enjoy the taste of something, we simply won’t eat much of it. Hopefully it really is that simple to enforce and encourage a healthy diet. If nothing else, cutting back on sugar and sodium couldn’t be a bad thing.

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Eliminating the extras we don’t need is what cleansing is all about.

Finally finished! (although this update is late)

By the end of the 11 days, I adhered to the cleanse quite well, and I developed an utter disgust for the food items I had been eating. A week later, I still am avoiding baked chicken breast.

But what I wanted to eat — my cravings during the cleanse– weren’t  sweets or junk food. I mostly craved cheese, other milk products, and bread. I really just wanted a sandwich. Which is not necessarily unhealthy, depending what goes on it.

On the other hand, by the end of the cleanse, I did feel lighter and healthier. It wasn’t anything dramatic, but I did feel good about my food choices that past week and a half. Although it was hard to pass up chocolate chip pancakes at 1 a.m. with my roommates, I didn’t regret not eating them. And passing on cheesy, greasy pizza and french fries throughout the week were also very difficult, but I felt better about myself for not giving in to that temptation. Good choices made me feel accomplished and guilt-free. Even when I “indulged” on the alloted daily ounce of dark chocolate…maybe 2 ounces here and there…it was an indulgence in a lesser evil anyway.

I recently spoke with my cleanse’s developer, Carmela Mandel, who said that most people who try the cleanse for the first time don’t adhere to it 100% — And that’s okay!

“We have a very mental, emotional connection to food,” Mandel said. “People would come to me and be overcome with guilt if they slipped up. People should take it easy and celebrate the changes instead. Any change in the positive direction is good.”

I think this is the bigger picture. There are hundreds of miracle diets out there, claiming to be “easy” “fast” and “cleansing.” The big picture is to make healthier choices without completely restricting any one food type.

There is definitely a science to nutrition, and the way that things we eat affect our bodies. By eating as close to Mother Nature as possible, we discover the power of cinnamon to boost metabolism and of celery to repair the liver, among others. Eliminating the extras is what cleansing is all about.

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Cleanse Update

It’s getting tough.

I am thoroughly sick of chicken and vegetable soup. I cannot even think about eating either of those things without feeling ill.

However, I have lost 6 pounds in just 5 days! Although, I am not convinced that it wasn’t entirely water weight. I am also not entirely convinced that this is working or that it is healthy. I’m not sure that completely eliminating dairy and carbs is a good thing. But, I do know that I am eating entirely guilt-free. I am learning to control my eating habits as well. I know now that I can make it through the day without having so many snacks. I think that after this cleanse is over (just 6 more days!) I will have a better perspective of what is too much. I have become incredibly conscious of what I am consuming, and have realized that I was eating entirely too much before. I am eager to have a less restrictive diet, and eat more variety maintaining this learned moderation.

I plan to meet with a nutritional counselor to get a reasonable diet plan that will (hopefully) keep the pounds from coming back.

In the past few days, I have had every combination of chicken and vegetable you can imagine. Around Wednesday, I realized that I can also have turkey. What a relief that was. I was starving, literally, for some variety.

I have yet to “feel good” as a result of my diet. I mostly feel hungry and weak. It is evident when I exercise. I cannot keep the same pace that I had been able to do before. In preparation for a 5K tomorrow, I splurged on the optional “good carbs” option and had some pinto beans and my required protein serving of this time grilled chicken from Chiptole (so much better than frozen, oven baked chicken. blech) Of course, I skipped the sour cream and cheese and corn. It instantly made me feel full and happy.

By the way, if you are thinking that detox = going to the bathroom constantly, this is not true for me. Another reason why I am skeptical of this cleanse, but not necessarily upset about.

But, I will not give up! I am determined to stick this out for another 6 days and hopefully cook some more recipes I haven’t tried yet. For example, Spaghetti Squash is on the list for once I get a crockpot, and I still haven’t made deviled eggs.

Till then, happy eating!

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Detox Day 1

One down, 10 to go!

Today was filled with some delicious food paired with a throbbing headache that still will not go away.

For breakfast, I had a smoothie made with flax seed and mixed berries. It would have been better with the suggested substitute of flax seed oil instead of the actual seeds. Next time, I think the alternative would greatly improve the taste and texture.

For lunch, I had vegetable soup which I prepared last night. The flavors are delicious–cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, garlic, onion and more. It’s great even without the optional suggested seasonings.

I brought an orange to class with me, but by the time it was over at 5 I was STARVING.

For dinner, I got my two servings of protein in with a mustard chicken recipe–ground mustard, rosemary and dill on chicken breasts. Delicious! (but a little spicy…probably added too much rosemary. It was a guesstimate)

After dinner, I indulged in the alloted ounce of dark chocolate.

I noticed today that there are little to no carbs allowed in this detox, and no bread (Diet Rule number 2?). I guess it makes sense. In fact, if you go to jimmyjohns website, it allows you to see nutrition facts and build a sandwich. This allows you to see that by removing the bread and substituting a lettuce wrap, you can save 250 calories! That’s without sacrificing any other toppings or flavors.

Overall, today I felt pretty hungry throughout the day. My headache also did not help my mood. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more fulfilling!

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Detox Prep

After a summer of anticipation, I am finally going to begin an 11-day dietary cleanse/detox. Developed by experts at Cleveland Yoga, this cleanse does not involve a magic lemonade or pills. The cleanse is simply real food, complete with a checklist and tons of recipes.

In preparation, I spent the weekend gorging myself on all things unhealthy. Fast food, pumpkin pie, soda and ice cream. Just to get it in my system before I got it out.

Then, I hit the grocery stores armed with my list and bought out their fresh produce and spice sections. Just filling my cart with the little plastic produce bags made me feel healthier already!

I noticed one thing–there was not one boxed item in my bags of groceries when I arrived home and spread them all over the table. Perhaps that says something about processed food. “Diet Rule One – Avoid boxed foods?”

In anticipation of a busy week ahead, I made vegetable soup with all fresh ingredients and edamame veggie dip, and marinated some raw veggies as well. All recipes were included with the information I got about the cleanse. After taste testing, it promises to be a tasty, healthy week!