The Novice Foodie

Just eating real foods, lifting heavy things and learning about it along the way

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“Spynga,” an all-around exercise combination

In my daily exercise routines, I typically aim to combine cardio with strength training. My roommate and I will complete a strength-training type group fitness class like Pilates and head over to the ellipticals to finish out our workouts. Now, it seems as if this combination of fitness class + cardio has become a national trend.

In a unique combination, a Canadian-born fitness trend combines Spinning and yoga, or Spynga.

The workout begins with a Spinning class, and then transitions into a Yoga class to finish out the workout.

It seems to me that it would be quite a complicated transition.

One time before a yoga class, I used the elliptical just beforehand. My muscles were so tight and shook with every position we were told to hold. I can’t imagine coming straight off of a Spinning bike and onto a yoga mat.

Although, I would bet that it would be a great cool down for mind and body. Muscles get a great stretch and your mind can relax and de-stress. It seems like a smart combination of exercises!

In an article from the National Post, one Spynga instructor says:

“It really is a yin-yang approach to fitness. You’ve got the cardio of the cycling and then you get off the bike and find that same intention and mindfulness for yoga. You release toxins, de-stress and find that sense of balance.”

Read about a typical Spynga experience here

A fitness studio in Cleveland Heights, OH (Buddahful Spin) offers Spynga classes, while it originated in Canada. I wonder how far the trend will extend?